Service of CoClue

Terms of Use

These terms and conditions govern your use of the "CoClue" service (the "Service") provided by CoClue, Inc. Please use the Service upon agreeing to these Terms of Use.

Article 1 (Agreement to these Terms of Use)

  1. Users may use the Service upon agreeing to these Terms of Use.
  2. When a user downloads the Service to a smartphone or other information terminal and goes through the procedures for agreeing to the Terms of Use, a contract of use in accordance with the various provisions of the Terms of Use shall be established between the user and the Company.
  3. If the user is a minor (under 18 years of age), he/she may not use the service.

Article 2 (Modification of Terms)

  1. The Company may revise the Terms of Use at any time without the consent of the user, and the user agrees to such revisions without objection.
  2. When the Company revises the Terms of Use, it will notify the user of the contents of such revision by the method prescribed by the Company.
  3. The revision of the preceding Terms of Use shall take effect from the time the Company gives notice in accordance with the preceding paragraph.
  4. Users will be deemed to have agreed to the revised Terms of Service without objection at the time they use the service after the revision of the Terms of Service.

Article 3 (Admission Procedures for Members)

  1. A person who applies for membership becomes a registered user upon our acceptance of the application and completion of ID registration.
  2. We will send notification of communication matters, advertisements, and other information to registered users via e-mail. Please understand this in advance.
  3. We reserve the right to refuse to accept an application for membership if any of the following conditions apply to the applicant
    1. The applicant applies for membership without following the method specified by us.
    2. If the prospective member has been previously terminated for violation of these Terms of Use or any other terms of use stipulated by the Company.
    3. If we deem that the applicant has registered by wrongful means
    4. When a prospective registrant has registered information that is not his/her own
    5. We deem the applicant to be inappropriate for any other reason.

Article 4 (Account Management)

  1. The user shall manage the information registered for use (hereinafter referred to as "registered information"). (including e-mail addresses, IDs, passwords, etc.) shall be registered and managed voluntarily under the user's own responsibility. Users shall not allow any third party to use, lend, transfer, change the name of, sell, or otherwise dispose of this information.
  2. When the registered information is used for the Service, the Company may treat it as if it were used by the person who registered for the Service, and the person who registered for the Service shall be held responsible for any and all consequences and liabilities arising from such use.
  3. In the event that the unauthorized use of registration information causes damage to the Company or a third party, the user shall compensate the Company and the third party for said damage.
  4. Users shall manage their registration information under their own responsibility, and the Company shall not be liable for any disadvantage or damage incurred by users due to inaccurate or false registration information.
  5. If it is discovered that registration information has been stolen or used by a third party, the user shall immediately notify the Company to that effect and follow the Company's instructions.
  6. Only one account registration ID is allowed per person.

Article 5 (Handling of Personal Information, etc.)

  1. Personal information and user information shall be handled appropriately in accordance with the "Privacy Policy" separately stipulated by the Company.

Article 6 (Prohibited Acts: Including the posting of content) 

In using the Service, the following acts are prohibited by the Company. If the Company deems that a user has violated any of the prohibitions, the Company may temporarily suspend the user's use of the Service, cancel the user's membership, or take any other action that the Company deems necessary.
  1. Excessively violent expressions, sexually explicit expressions, expressions equivalent to child pornography or child abuse, Any expression that leads to discrimination based on race, nationality, creed, gender, social status, family origin, etc.
  2. Expression that induces or encourages suicide, self-injury, or drug abus.
  3. Posting or transmitting expressions that include antisocial content and cause discomfort to others.
  4. Sales, promotion, advertisement, solicitation, or any other for-profit activities (except those approved by the Company.
  5. Sexual or obscene acts.
  6. Actions for the purpose of meeting or dating a third party with whom you are not acquainted.
  7. Actions to use the Service for the purpose of harassing or defaming other users, or for any other purpose that differs from the intended purpose of use of the Service.
  8. Acts that violate laws and regulations, court judgments, decisions or orders, or legally binding administrative measure.
  9. Acts that may be contrary to public order or good morals.
  10. Acts that infringe the copyrights, trademarks, patents and other intellectual property rights, rights of honour, privacy rights or other legal or contractual rights of the Company or third parties.
  11. Acts of impersonating the Company or a third party or intentionally spreading false information.
  12. Acts of sending the same or similar messages to an unspecified number of customers (excluding those approved by the Company).
  13. Actions such as indiscriminately adding other customers to Friends or Group Talk, or other actions deemed spam by the Company.
  14. Acts of exchanging the Services or the rights to use the Contents for cash, goods or other economic benefits by methods other than those specified by the Company.
  15. Acts of providing benefits or other cooperation with anti-social forces.
  16. Religious activities or acts of solicitation to religious organisations.
  17. Acts of unauthorised collection, disclosure or provision of personal information, registration information, usage history information, etc. of others.
  18. Acts of interfering with the server or network system of the Service, acts of using BOTs, cheat tools or other technical means to operate the Service illegally, acts of intentionally using malfunctions in the Service, acts of making unreasonable enquiries or demands of the Company such as repeating similar questions more than necessary. Any other act that interferes with the operation of the Services by the Company or the use of the Services by other Customers, and any other act that interferes with or hinders the same.
  19. Acts of reverse engineering or disassembling for an unreasonable purpose or in an unreasonable manner, or acts of deciphering source code in any other way.
  20. Actions that assist or encourage any of the above.

Article 7 (Disclaimer)

  1. The Company shall not be liable for any damages caused by changes in content, interruption, or termination of the Service.
  2. The Company shall not be involved in, and shall not be liable for, the user's environment for using the Service.
  3. The Company makes no warranty that the Service will be suitable for the user's specific purpose, that it will have the expected functions, commercial value, accuracy, or usefulness, that the user's use of the Service will conform to the laws and regulations applicable to the user or internal rules of industry associations, or that defects will not occur. We do not guarantee that the Service will be fully compatible with all information and information services.
  4. The Company does not guarantee that the Service is compatible with all information terminals, and the user acknowledges in advance that malfunctions may occur in the operation of the Service due to OS upgrades, etc. of the information terminal used for use of the Service. The Company does not guarantee that such defects will be resolved by the Company's modification of the program, etc. in the event of such defects.
  5. Users shall acknowledge in advance that use of all or part of the Service may be restricted in accordance with changes in the terms of service and operating policies of service stores such as AppStore and Google Play.
  6. SBM shall not be liable for any damages incurred directly or indirectly by users as a result of using the Service.
  7. We shall not be liable for any loss of opportunity, business interruption, or any other damages (including indirect damages and lost profits) incurred by users or other third parties, even if we have been notified of the possibility of such damages in advance.
  8. The provisions of Paragraph 1 through the preceding paragraph shall not apply in the event of intentional or gross negligence on the part of the Company or in the event that the contractor falls under the category of consumer under the Consumer Contract Act.
  9. Even in cases where the preceding paragraph applies, SBM shall not be liable for any damage caused to the Subscriber due to negligence (excluding gross negligence). 9 Even if the preceding paragraph applies, we shall not be liable to compensate for damages arising from special circumstances among damages incurred by the user due to acts of negligence (excluding gross negligence). 
  10. In the event that we are liable for damages in connection with the use of this service, we shall be liable for damages up to the amount of usage received from the user in the month in which the relevant damages occurred.
  11. The Company shall not be responsible for any disputes or troubles between users and other users. In the event that a dispute arises between a user and another user, both parties shall be responsible for resolving the dispute and shall not make any claim against the Company.
  12. In the event that a user causes damage to another user or a dispute arises with a third party in relation to the use of the service, the user shall compensate for such damage or resolve such dispute at the user's own expense and responsibility, and shall not cause any trouble or damage to the Company.
  13. In the event that our company receives a claim for damages, etc. from a third party as a result of the user's actions, the user shall resolve such claim at the user's expense (attorney's fees) and responsibility. In the event that this company pays compensation for damages to said third party, the user shall pay all expenses (including attorney's fees and lost profits) including said compensation for damages to this company.
  14. In the event that a user causes damage to the Company in relation to the use of the Service, the user shall compensate the Company for the damage (including legal fees and attorney's fees) at the user's expense and responsibility.

Article 8 (Posting of Advertisements)

  1. The user understands and agrees that the Service may include any and all advertisements, and that the Company or its partners may place any and all advertisements on the Service. The form and scope of advertisements on the Service may be changed by the Company at any time.

Article 9 (Method of Contacting Us)

  1. Users' communications and inquiries to the Company regarding the Service shall be made through the Service, by submitting an inquiry form placed in an appropriate location on the website operated by the Company, or by any other method separately designated by the Company.

Effective July 12, 2023